Labor & Education
Retooling the workforce for a stable society
Jobs are the foundation of economic resilience and serve as the cornerstone for a thriving community. Good jobs provide a higher standard of living, social cohesion, and, most importantly, a personal sense of accomplishment and purpose. Advancements in automation and robotics scale productivity and possibility, but also threaten to destabilize our society by dramatically reducing the amount of human labor needed. By 2030, it’s believed that 300 million full-time jobs globally could be replaced by generative AI. We are looking for platforms that can reskill our existing workforce for the net new jobs that AI will inevitably create.
To prepare the next generation of Americans for a tumultuous decade of work, we need to fix our education system. Math and reading scores for thirteen-year-olds have hit their lowest in decades. Government policies have left entire classrooms behind with their one-size-fits-all approach. AI-enabled tools unlock the long awaited promise of personalized adaptive learning and superpower our teachers in creating novel student experiences. We also remain excited about alternative education including the rise of homeschooling and the importance of outside-the-classroom activities in developing cognitive and social skills.